Friday, May 21, 2010

Blue Pill Red Pill

*(SYM: Antithesis) The blue pill and the red pill are a symbol of the fight between the truth and denial
**(REF) the color Blue refers to peace calm, the color red refers to fury, anger, danger.
***(ACT: choice) the laying out of the hands witht he different pills implies that it will be followed by an action of picking.



0:54 I can see it in your eyes* (REF: window to the soul) reference to the popular beliefe that the eyes are the windows to the soul
0:56 The Matrix * (HER) what is The Matrix? **(SEM:algebraic symbols, or mathematical functions)literally means a Matrix of numbers, implying the matrix is a set of algebriac symbols
2:42 Neo* (SEM: NEW) It is derived from the Greek word neos, which means young, fresh, new or recent implying a new coming.
3:36 you stay in wonderland and I’ll show you how deep the rabbit hole goes* (REF: Alice in Wonderland) refering to the Novel Alice in wonderland to imply adventure, mystery.


*(SYM:Antithesis)Blue pill (denial) vs. Red pill (Truth) (A/B)
**(SEM: Choice) the appearance of one hand in each lense is a visual way of connoting choice.
***(ACT) The appearance of Neo in the Sunglasses implies that he is the chooser and he will make a choice.

Shot 3

* (SYM: Antithesis) The contrast in the manner in which Neo and Morphius are seated implies the struggle between denial and truth
**(SEM: Discourse) the scene implies discourse.


*(ACT:afraid) Neo is afraid, this means that either something will happen to calm his fear, or to validate his fear.
** (ACT) the water glass on the table is prominent in the shot implying it has a use. Foreshadowing.


* (REF)Lightening as a reference to a turning of events. We are going to become aware of the man in front of the window. ** (SEM:space of action)I will suggest that the chairs being so prominent in the shot is cinema's version of literal implication (to frame-Verb: To compose a shot to include, exclude, or emphasize certain elements..) It is implying that the space is important as it will be the location of action.

Scene Shot 1

(HER:ENIGMA)Who is the man whose face we can not see? He is the focus of the shot, he is important, who is he?
** (REF)The mise-en scene: black coat= gravity of situation, formality of the man, the power of the man in black, the mystery of the man in black.